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  • Journalist Held, Another Released in Najaf

    Journalist Held, Another Released in Najaf

    02-09-2008 More

  • Sumariya Channel Reporter Beaten

    Sumariya Channel Reporter Beaten

    30-08-2008 More

  • Grenade Injured Afaq Satellite Channel Workers

    Grenade Injured Afaq Satellite Channel Workers

    18-08-2008 More

  • Al-Ahd Station resumes Broadcasting

    Al-Ahd Station resumes Broadcasting

    16-08-2008 More

  • French Journalists Fled Kut Province

    French Journalists Fled Kut Province

    12-08-2008 More

  • Ali al-Mishhadani Issue to Sort Out within 36 Hours

    Ali al-Mishhadani Issue to Sort Out within 36 Hours

    04-08-2008 More

  • Reporter is assassinated in Kirkuk

    Reporter is assassinated in Kirkuk

    25-07-2008 More

  • Security Forces Repel an Attempt to Kill a Journalist in Baghdad.

    Security Forces Repel an Attempt to Kill a Journalist in Baghdad.

    08-07-2008 More

  • Al-Hashimi bodyguards' chief threatens to kill al-Hurriya channel reporter

    Al-Hashimi bodyguards' chief threatens to kill al-Hurriya channel reporter

    06-07-2008 More

  • Iraqi Media Outlets Violated

    Iraqi Media Outlets Violated

    28-06-2008 More

  • The necessity to train MPs on how to communicate with the press

  • Clarification is demanded from CMC on its involvement in breaking into Al-Dhabhawi's house

  • Violations against a group of journalists covering a protest against corruption in Halabja

  • Journalist Haider Hadi: I was subjected to beatings and threats in Karbala

  • Assaults Against Journalists In Najaf Province

  • Americans are called upon to apologize to the Reuters cameraman

  • Publication of documents of administrative corruption takes journalists to judicial proceedings

  • Iraqi Journalists Threatened with a Law Suit by Ally of Syrian President