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Sumariya Channel Reporter Beaten

Guards of the sciences minister abused and beaten –Wednesday- al-Sumariya channel reporter in Baghdad.
Haider Hameed kadhim from the news department of al-Sumariya told the Journalistic Freedoms Observatory (JFO) that he was commissioned to cover the annual conference of the ministry of sciences and technology, but he astonished that one of the minister's guards threatened him, and six others  attacked and beaten him with their pistols on his head.

Hameed added that the security head of the ministry accused him of provoking the guards and that they took him to the ministry's building for interrogation.

They released him after a long debate with them.

JFO expresses its sorrow for the continuous aggression against the journalists by the officials' bodyguards; and asks the government to work not to repeat such practices which adversely affect the relations between the press and the different ministries of the government. It regards such practices as a sacrilege to the nature of the press work by some officials who lack the culture of good behavior with journalists.

Translated in cooperation with the "reporters with out borders" organization.




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