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Al-Ahd Station resumes Broadcasting

After three months banning, the government allowed al-Ahd station to broadcast again.

Public relations manger of the station Kasim al-Rudaini told the JFO that the ministerial council allowed the station to resume broadcasting after three months banning when the army raided it in May, 8, due to its being squatting the laborers' syndicate- in Baladiyat area east of Baghdad- building that belongs to the government.

Rudaini added that the step was a good sign to have the free media to communicate with the masses, referring that the station broadcasts cultural programs, shed light on the lack of the public services, and breaking news. It will resume broadcasting tomorrow- Sunday-.

The station, owned by the Sadrist current, covers many middle and southern areas, was established in 2006.

The JFO welcomes this move and asks for enhancing the freedom of media and providing the criteria of the good professional work away from banning or preventing the journalists to reach the information freely.

(Translated in collaboration with reporters with out borders organization)




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