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  • ISIS kidnaps 14 journalists and media workers in Mosul, and issuing another new “wanted” list

    ISIS kidnaps 14 journalists and media workers in Mosul, and issuing another new “wanted” list

    15-11-2014 More

  • Press Freedom in Iraq 2012: The Worst Year Since the Fall of Saddam’s Regime

    Press Freedom in Iraq 2012: The Worst Year Since the Fall of Saddam’s Regime

    04-05-2013 More

  • Iraqi Police Given Orders to Shut Down 44 Local and Foreign Media Agencies

    Iraqi Police Given Orders to Shut Down 44 Local and Foreign Media Agencies

    23-06-2012 More

  • 272 violations against journalists, and the government introduces more

    272 violations against journalists, and the government introduces more

    02-05-2012 More

  • A Legislation Of The Past For The Future

    A Legislation Of The Past For The Future

    07-09-2011 More

  • Journalists Face Humiliation in Tikrit

    Journalists Face Humiliation in Tikrit

    05-08-2011 More

  • Iraqi Journalists Threatened with a Law Suit by Ally of Syrian President

    Iraqi Journalists Threatened with a Law Suit by Ally of Syrian President

    26-07-2011 More

  • Photojournalist Kidnapped

    Photojournalist Kidnapped

    26-07-2011 More

  • More than 160 violations against Iraqi journalists and media organizations in two weeks

    More than 160 violations against Iraqi journalists and media organizations in two weeks

    09-03-2011 More

  • Journalistic Freedoms Observatory

    Journalistic Freedoms Observatory

    09-01-2011 More

  • Massive government violations against journalists while covering the Green Zone demonstrations

  • Journalist Haider Hadi: I was subjected to beatings and threats in Karbala

  • The Iraqi parliament is aiming to gradually curtail journalists' freedom

  • Kurdistan: arresting journalists will not conceal events but rather lead to counterproductive results

  • Assaults Against Journalists In Najaf Province

  • Americans are called upon to apologize to the Reuters cameraman

  • Publication of documents of administrative corruption takes journalists to judicial proceedings

  • Iraqi Journalists Threatened with a Law Suit by Ally of Syrian President