مرصد الحريات الصحفية

مرصد الحريات الصحفية

الصفحة الرئيسية > الأخبار والتقارير > Disappearance of a...

Disappearance of a journalist in Erbil

The Journalistic Freedoms Observatory shows deep concern due to the disappearance of the chief editor of “Romal” newspaper in the Kurdistan zone for more than two weeks during his travel from Erbil city to Salah Aldeen resort  and who was later found held by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

According to his family, journalist Arsalan Mahmood, chief editor of “Romal” newspaper, disappeared on the 5th. Of December after leaving his home heading to Salah Aldeen resort.

According to the (Metro Center for defending the Journalists), located in Sulaimaneya city, Journalistic Freedoms Observatory’s acting partner, Arsalan told his family and some of his friends, a day before his leave that “he is leaving to Salah Aldeen resort for some journalistic missions”.

Meanwhile, Helo Kurda, an official in the Kurdistan Democratic Party, admitted the detention of Arsalan Mahmood at the political bureau of the party.

"Roodao" newspaper, issued in Erbil, published that the party official, Helo Kurda, admitted explicitly, that “Arsalan is under investigation at the headquarters of the political bureau of the party in the Salah al-Din resort, and will be released after interrogation," but he did not indicate the type of investigations conducted by the party with Arsalan.

"Rumal" newspaper is a half monthly newspaper published in the town of Rania, in the northeast of Sulaimaneya city.

Journalistic Freedoms Observatory is astonished for the detention of the journalist Arsalan Mahmood by the Democratic Party and at the same time considers it as encroachment against the press law of the zone and Iraq's federal constitution, and condemns the harassments and intimidations against journalists in the Kurdistan zone, and demands the immediate release of Arsalan without restriction or condition because his detention is illegal.




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