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Parliament Holds 35 Journalists and Confiscates their Media Instruments

The security forces of the parliament and bodyguards of the parliament members have held 35 journalists while covering a press conference of the consultant committee of "SHABAK" where a dispute with Haneen al-Kaddow, representative of Shabak in the parliament, took place.

Journalistic freedoms observatory (JFO) denounces this act of the media office of the parliament for this mass holding of the media workers and confiscating their recording and video tools.

Reporter of al-Hurra satellite channel Mahmood Fuad said the security forces closed the doors and disconnected the internet lines to stop sending the news of the event; they obliged the journalists and cameramen to hand over their stuff or to destroy their tools.

Sawa radio reporter Omar Hamadi said the security forces forcibly confiscated the tools.

The JFO urges all the journalists, satellite channels, and media outlets to hold a sit-in- to protest against the parliament and to boycott it. It asks the parliament speaker Mahmood al-Mishhadani to keep the democratic interests and the free press unharmed and to take all possible means to avoid any constitutional violation as it is incredible to have the parliament changed in to a place of suppressing freedoms and confiscating the freedom of press.




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