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Reuters' Cameraman Arrested South of Baghdad

Journalistic Freedoms Observatory (JFO) asks the American and Iraqi forces to disclose the destiny of the cameraman Ibrahim Jassam who they unjustifiably held since yesterday's evening.

American-Iraqi joint forces arrested Reuters' cameraman from his home in Mahmoodiya area south of Baghdad.

Sister of the detainee Eman Jassam said the force raided their home after midnight of Monday; they obliged the whole family to kneel down to the ground and checked the IDs of her three brothers, two of them practice free jobs.

When the American officer knew that Ibrahim works for Reuters, he immediately ordered to "arrest him, confiscated four cameras and his cell phones, and destroyed his personal computer".

Jassam, works with Reuters for four years, has earlier received many threats from unknown bodies.

The American forces arrested many of Reuters' staff, but they released them then; they released Ali al-Mishhadani, 39, after detaining him for three weeks. He was detained on 29th of July by the Americans when he was in the international zone to renew his press ID.

Bilal Hussein, associated press cameraman, spent two years in detention under the allegations of cooperating with the insurgents and constituting a threat to multinational and Iraqi security forces.

JFO asks the multinational forces to reveal the place and the reasons why jassam was held and to release him immediately.




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