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Announcement: Press Courage Awards PCA2010

JFO (Journalistic Freedoms Observatory), in cooperation with IREX, gladly announces the second annual Press Courage Awards (PCA)in the field of investigative journalism, published this year. Participation is open to all Iraqi journalists. Four prizes will be awarded, for reports in the following categories: print, radio, television, and electronic news (internet).


JFO intends to continue its active support if freedom of expression by properly recognizing the ongoing sacrifice given by Iraqi journalists, in order to provide access to information and to courageously published the truth, with high standards of professionalism and neutrality, such as the role of the media in exposing corruption or other improprieties.
Winners will be awarded a prize of $3000.00 (USD) and a shield which represents journalistic courage, in a ceremony that will take a place in Baghdad on December 12, 2010(venue to be announced). Reports must be delivered to JFO between the dates of October 23 and November 28, 2010.

Reports submitted must meet the following criteria…
1: All reports must be submitted by Iraqi journalists and be clear examples of investigative journalism, first published this year.
2: Reports should have produced an effect in the community and have in some way served the public good.
3: Courage and a high standard of professionalism must be observable in all reports submitted. A preference will be shown toward those which have exposes financial and administrative corruption, violations to freedom of expression or other human rights-related reporting.
4: Reports must be transparent and clear in reporting whichever topic is chosen.
5: The report must display an understanding of freedom, democracy, or a general encouragement to the community of tolerance to opinions of others.

Selection Process
Two special committees will judge which investigative works in each of the four categories which will be chosen. One committee will contain five media experts and academics, and will choose the finalists to be considered. A second committee comprised of 15 journalists, academics, and other specialists will then choose the best qualified reports to be given the award.

Last years’ Journalistic Courage Award winners were…
Print Journalism: Othman al-Mukhtar
Television Journalism: Ahmad Aram, Allaa al-Rubahi
 Electronic Journalism: Ammad al-Ebadi
*Support for the 2010 Journalistic Courage Awards is generously provided by IREX.




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