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Al-Hurra Satellite Channel Reporter Detained.

Journalistic freedoms observatory decries the detention of al-Hurra satellite channel reporter Mazin al-Tayyar for two hours in al-Chebayesh district under the allegation that he has no official permit to work or shoot there.


Al-Tayyar told the journalistic freedoms observatory that he was working on TV reportage when a police man stopped him at UM al-Chwelan check point and told his boss by the wireless radio that he caught a man carrying a camera and accompanied by another man. The officer on the other line told the police man to check up if the man is authorized to work as a journalist.


Al-Tayyar tried to explain to the police that he is not in need for any permission and that the Iraqi law and constitution guarantee the freedom of press, but they preventing him from shooting and they mistreated him during the detention time.

"Head of al-Chebayesh police ordered to detain me and my colleague due to having no official permit to work as a journalist", added al-Tayyar.

The police at the check point severely mistreated him and confiscated the key of the team's car and detained them for more than two hours, explained al-Tayyar.


The journalistic freedoms observatory strongly denounces the behavior of some security forces in stopping and preventing the journalists to carry out their work, and asks the ministries of defense and interior to direct their personnel that the constitution guarantees the free press in Iraq and that journalists need no official permit to work.




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