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Head of Salahuddin Journalists' Syndicate Arrested.

Iraqi forces backed by American troops raided late yesterday's night the house of Hassan Ahmed al-Majoon, head of the journalists' syndicate in Salahuddin province and arrested him with his son.


Member of the journalistic freedoms observatory in Tikrit said that "joint forces raided the house of Majoon in al-Jameeya neighborhood mid of Tikrit at 02.00 am Tuesday.


"The forces used sound bombs in raiding the house which resulted in damaging the gate and the windows".

Al-Majoon niece told the journalistic freedoms observatory that the force stayed in the house till Wednesday morning, and then took al-Majoon and his son to an unknown place; it might be the base near Tikrit.


The force mentioned nothing about the reason of the arrest and neither the American forces nor the Iraqi forces referred to the incident or the reason behind it.

It is worth mentioning that al-Majoon has been earlier elected by the members of the syndicate as head of Salahuddin journalists' syndicate.

The American and Iraqi forces have earlier arrested in June, 4, the video man Ahmed al-Noori who works for the American associated press after raiding his house in al-Zuhoor district west of Tikrit. He is still under arrest despite the calls of "reporters with out borders" organization, and the journalistic freedoms observatory to release him.


Journalistic freedoms observatory asks the American forces to free al-Majoon and al-Noori and to present an official explanation about the reason of their detention and to take the measures needed as per the agreement between the committee to protect journalists –CPJ- and the American defense ministry in which the American army guarantees to revise the cases of the detained journalists and to free them with in 36 hours.




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